3 April 2011

Effectively Communicating CSR

CSR is both a responsible and sensible thing to do. Whilst the benefits of CSR might not immediately be obvious to the company, wider society obviously benefits from an engaged and responsible commercial sector. Furthermore, the long term effects of good CSR like light touch governmental regulation and an increasingly motivated workforce are undoubtedly extremely beneficial to business.

However, the PR and communications around CSR is essential to its very existence and is therefore becoming an important part of a PR’s role. Below are four handy tips to help PR’s communicate CSR effectively:

1) Be Realistic

Whilst Rob from Finance might think him running the marathon for charity is a big story the Daily Telegraph probably won’t. Manage people’s expectations and don’t be afraid to give an honest assessment of a stories worth.

2) Work with Third Parties

PR’s should be involved with CSR from the start and getting third party endorsement or partners for your planned activities will give your story increased gravitas. For instance, persuading a leading NGO in a relevant field will undoubtedly add weight to your claims

3) Own an Issue

Being vague and calling yourself ‘Green’ or ‘Socially responsible’ is too generic to generate any meaningful coverage or interest. By targeting CSR to a relevant issue to your business companies will eventually be gifted the soap box they crave. For example, a chain of restaurants is more qualified to talk about the nation’s diet than a film production company!

4) Be Honest!

By exaggerating or elaborating on a piece you are only setting yourself up for trouble further down the line. Avoid this at all costs.